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We would like you to come join with us to help the homeless and or do Christion mental health counseling in your state. We have both memberships and licensing available to you, to help you, help others. We are fully incorporated with the State of Florida and registered, FIN with the Federal Government.


Team Meeting
Helping the homeless

With your membership we will provide valuable information on helping the homeless in your area.


As you probably already know there is a great need for helping with the homeless situation all around the U.S. and we are here to help you with this mission.


The picture to the right is a homeless encampment in Leesburg, Florida run by our Paster Dave Chesson.

Women's Ministry

We do a large yard sale every 90 days to raise money for the needy.

Volunteer Groups

We have volunteer groups to help house and feed the homeless in Central Florida and have for more than 20 years. We hope to have more groups around the country as our ministry continues to grow nationally.

Christian Counseling

We offer licenses to those who meet our standards to become a Christian mental health counselor in any state in the United States. When you become a Christian counselor, you do NOT need a state license as you are fully exempt. You do need the required education and be at least 18 years old with no recent felony convictions or any sex offences. The cost for a license and background check is $400.00. This will include a one-year membership to the ministry, a certificate and your membership ID card. We will help you get your malpractice insurance and your Federal, NPI number.  

Membership to our ministry

We have made it very easy to join our membership. Anyone can join who has faith, spirituality and a willingness to help others in need. The cost to join is a donation of only $50.00 for the certificate of membership.


We take our ministry very seriously. You must remain a member in good standing to maintain your membership or license. Any and all complaints against any member will be fully investigated and delt with appropriately.

Pastoral Support

If you want to join our approved ministers you must undergo a background check, be at least 18 years of age in good moral standing and a proven knowledge and practice of the gospel. 

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